An Atomic Age Retro-Futuristic text adventure game. You play as an engineer who works for the Jovian Oligarchy Oversight Board and you're coming back from a mission on Ganymede. Your ship is low on fuel and you need to stop at the Epsilon-9 space station before heading back to Europa and reporting in about the progress you've made with the Hydro-Mining Consortium. The problem is that Epsilon-9 is abandoned and derelict. You don't have enough fuel to continue on, so now you have to find a way off the station: 

  1. Refuel your ship;
  2. Reconfigure the communications array;
  3. Supercharge the orbital stabilization thrusters and reconfigure the navigational calculator; or 
  4. Maybe you can find another creative way to solve your problem. In the process you might discover what happened to the station and her crew.

This is a work in progress. This is pre-alpha. But I wanted to use the devlog feature on Itch to document my journey. This is the first time I've ever made a serious attempt to make my own game--I've flirted with the idea, and fiddled around with a bunch of SDKs and IDEs, and full featured engines, and not so full featured engines... That being said, this is also just a proof of concept for myself. I've utilized a number of AI tools to build this, though namely Hotpot's Image generation and some help coming up with ideas and structure for the story from Perplexity.

Development log

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